Saturday 8 September 2018

Making the most of the good weather whilst it lasts

It is going to get really, really cold soon so I am  making the most of getting out and about when I can.   Relying on a camera more than sketching very often as I am with  other people and time is limited.  I did quick sketches at a coffee shop in Longshon with Michelena, in Dalian whilst waiting to get my hair cut and today sketched the sun flowers in Blueberry Farm which is right behind the building where teachers  are housed.   It was overrun with photographers shouting instructions to brides in ridiculous frilly nylon dresses whilst their grooms fussed with ill fitting cheap suits.  This is big business in China and this area seems to attract dozens... as soon as they finished takes in the sun flowers another group drove up. 

Saturday 18 August 2018

First opportunity to sketch in China

On Saturday late afternoon school organised a beach barbecue at  Golden Pebble Beach.   The guy at the umbrella in front of us  was out for the count on his lounger chair and as I was finishing the sketch a couple turned up for their wedding photographs which turned into the entertainment for the evening.  When I work out how to send photos from my phone I will post, as it got dark the bride was strung with light bulbs... the evening finished with  the inevitable fireworks.  Food appeared and all thoughts of sketching vanished. 

Sunday 15 July 2018

In Old Leigh with the Chalk_Collective group

It continues to be hot so an early start and then in the Crooked Billet/Osborne brothers area in the shade.   Lots of people quenching their thirst and eating cockles.

Saturday 7 July 2018

It is too hot to be out during the middle of the day

I managed to burn my arm on Wednesday sitting in the afternoon sun so this morning I joined Paul at the Cliff lifts just before 9am to do some quick studies and left at 10 having sat in the only bit of shade along the front. 

Wednesday 4 July 2018

The glorious weather continues

Yesterday did a quick sketch of a corner of Leigh Library Gardens whilst making time to go to lunch with RNLI friends and today sat and sketched a few of the many children on Leigh beach whilst waiting for Paul to finish his class.  Then he drove us to Benfleet Creek, a great place to sketch.  With the added bonus of a bar in a barge and a cold beer. 

Sunday 1 July 2018

Sunday afternoon in Westcliff at high tide.

Really hot afternoon and the tide comes right up in Westcliff so people sit on the pavement to sunbathe.   Cooled off under the trees in the Cliff gardens where groups were picnicking.  Used a fountain pen and some water to act as a wash.

Sunday 10 June 2018

Leigh Art Trail week. Sketching with Chalk_Collective to mark the occasion.

 Leigh Library Gardens looking across the estuary towards  Canvey Island.
 The library building.
 A well laden fig tree in the library gardens.
Leigh Church graveyard.

Thursday 17 May 2018

With Chalk_Collective in the Cliff Gardens

The weather is really variable.  After a positively tropical Tuesday, Wednesday was breezy, chilly and grey.   The evening did brighten up for our Chalk _Collective meet but I wore my winter coat and wished I had had a hat and gloves.  We warmed up in the Westcliff hotel!

Friday 20 April 2018

At the Smack in Leigh with Chalk Collective

A beautiful evening but the Smack wasn't so full and,as usual anyone I started to sketch got up and walked away!!

Thursday 5 April 2018

RSPB Minsmere

A glorious, cloudless day in RSPB Minsmere, Suffolk.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Wallasea, the cross rail project.

A nice Sunday walk, although a bit grey,  with my brother, sister and sister in law.  Hares, swans, geese, seals and lots of other birds.

Friday 16 March 2018

Some photos taken by my sketching buddy Paul Alcock last Saturday

Leadenhall Market, St Dunstans in the East, Whittington Avenue and the Tower of London but not in that order!!!