Saturday 31 August 2013

La Pastora 31/8/13

Today the USKCCS group went to La Pastora, we started off in the Plaza, walked around the area a little and then went to the Arturo Michelena Museum.

The bell tower of the church is amazing and sadly my sketch does not do it justice.
The houses around the square have all sorts of interesting details and on our walk around the block we saw little balconies, some amazing fret work in doors,  a bridge from colonial times,  too much to take in and it really wasn´t possible to sketch.  Everyone else was taking masses of photos. 

The museum is a gem, it was Michelenas studio and when he died his widow made it her home and eventually left it to the nation.   I had never been and it is embarrassingly easy to get there.  A bus almost goes from my door to the door of the museum. 

Hoy el grupo USKCCS se reunio en La Pastora, primero en la plaza, hicimos una vuelta por la cuadra, entramos la iglesia y luego fuimos al museo.

 Fue el taller de Arturo Michelena y despues de su muerte su viuda vivio alli y luego la dejo a la nacion.  Nunca habia ido y me da pena porque hay un por puesto que va casi de puerta a puerta.  Vale la pena conocerlo.  

Saturday 17 August 2013

Plaza Altamira

Today I met up with a couple of urban sketcher friends in the Plaza Altamira, the sun was rather hot so quick sketches and some shade were priorities.

Hoy me encontre con un par de amigas de USKCCS en la Plaza Altamira.  El sol estaba picante asi que bosquejos rapidos y sombra era la prioridad.  

Sunday 11 August 2013

this week

Since there is no drawing circle on Mondays during the summer I decided to go back to the Plaza Candelaria.  Not much rain and too much sun made for a very smelly place and after I had started my first sketch I realised  I had chosen the worst area to sit.  Holding your breath and working at speed is not a good combination!
Got to Hacienda La Trinidad really early before giving our workshop so managed to do a quick sketch. 
Also went back to the Museo Afroamericano, it is lovely!

Como no hay circulo de dibujo durante el verano regrese a La Plaza Candelaria.   No habia llovido mucho y habia mucho sol... asi que apestaba el lugar.  Dibujando sin respirar y lo mas rapido que puedes no es buen combinacion! 
Llege bien temprano a Hacienda la Trinidad antes de dictar el taller con Doris, asi que pudo aprovechar de hacer un bosquejo rapidito.
Ademas regrese al Museo Afroamericano tambien, me encanta. 

Sunday 4 August 2013

Another lovely day in Hacienda La Trinidad

During the week, early in the morning this is a lovely spot to sit and sketch.
Durante la semana, temprano en la maƱana esto es un lugar maravillosa para dibujar.
 the secaderos or tobacco drying sheds
this is done with a water colour pencil, an experiment!!

USKCCS meeting UCV 3.8.13

 Leger mural in the background
 Plaza Del Rectorado

Hospital Universitario
Entrada Aula Magna